Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wrock and Bad Moods: You've Reached The Color of Tonks

Hey everyone. I'm Jerrica, and Moze (Melissa) is making me do the first post while she designs the playlist. So. . .

Basically this blog is called Epic Fail, and I guess it's about two girls in a "band". Mozambique over there doesn't really call us a band, but I think we've pretty much got the basic components of a band. Songs, someone who can play an instrument, great hair. I mean, the location thing is a bit lacking. . .

Yeah. We live in different time zones.

Before you go all moral on us, we both know who is on both sides. We're both teenage girls. So don't freak out, suburban moms and creepy old guys looking for crack. We're not selling. At least, I'm not. Go ask Moze. Or Alice. Both of which are great books. The first of which is not published. But it's about a girl named Moze who has a boyfriend named Ned Harry Potter the Seventeenth and 300 gallons of tapioca pudding. I think you know where this is going.

Moze is the guitar player who refuses to sing. I'm the writer and singer who can't play the guitar for crap. Together we make a duo more powerful with Aly & AJ. And with less incest and Disney-overtones. It's a Win-Win! Unless you like incest and Disney the Communist Company. In which case, most likely it's a lose-lose. UNLESS you like Wrock.

What is wrock, you ask?

Where have you been living? A communist country? Mars? West Siberia? Lindsey Lohan's shoe closet? 

Wrock is wizard rock, rock about Harry James Potter and the world in which he lives. As in, nerd music. I don't know if they have Spock Rock, or The Empire Rocks Back, or whatever. This is all Harry Potter-centric. And slightly BaROCK. Trademark. No joke.

Whee! Topic jumping!

Moze and I both go through our bad moods, that some may call "teenage angst". Yeah, probably. But yeah. We may come here to take out our anger, talk about our lives, or I might come here to write wrock songs. Currently we have nine. And then are as follows. . .

1. Veritaserum Truth (original)
2. Lumos (original)
3. Ginny I'm Freaking Out ("See You Again" parody)
4. First Year ("New Soul" parody)
5. Voldemort's Going to Kill You ("I'm Going to Kill You" parody)
6. Elope in Belize (original)
7. Alas! Earwax! (original)
8. Thrashing Like Eels ("Tire Swing" parody)
And uhm...something. I forget. Epic fail?

It was some parody song, not an original song, I know that much. 

Some songs are just lyrics with no music (6 and 7) and well, we're working on it. Not like we can record or anything until next summer when we meet up.

So yeah, enjoy this bloggeh thingie because, well, the internet isn't going to last forever. It's going to DIE. Like everyone and everything else. Except for cockroaches, "Paper Towns", and the neon M's on McDonald's. Also, Tracphones. Apparently they don't die either. Well, break anyway.

- Jerrica

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