Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm pretty sure Epic Fail is over. Idk. Delete this if you'd like, Jerrica.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Seriously. Fail.




Thursday, January 1, 2009

Aaaaand a week later...

How fitting. The title of the blog is "Epic Fail," and I forget to post, for a week.

Hello, my name is Moze/Missy/Melissa/whatever Jerrica feels like calling me. And I suck at introductions, so deal with it.

Just to prepare you, I switch topics um, a lot. Short attention span, eh?

But yeah, my Christmas was okay. My family came over and we opened presents and yack yack yack. New Years Eve was pretty boring, too. My aunt came over and we played board games all night. Lame.

So I am currently eating Flaming Hot Cheetos (with a fork), as they calm me down when I am feeling moody. Which is almost always.

That is not, of course, saying that I am ALWAYS eating cheetos (with a fork!). I do eat them a lot, though..

My tongue hurts. Putting away the cheetos...

So anyways, I go to a school with nine children in my grade. None of which I get along with.

Unless for some reason you count my teacher. Then sure, I get along with one person.

Also, I'm listening to the playlist right now, and it's making me angry. WHY DID I PUT SO MANY DEPRESSING SONGS ON THERE!?!??!

Um. Sorry. For yelling at myself.

So yeah. I enjoy reading and music (WROCK!) and other stuff. And writing, but I tell people that I don't like writing because I hate sharing?

Sooo...go follow me on twitter, and stuff!
